
Video commissioned by The Magic Book Corner and made by JA Animations.


The Resurgence of Light

Audiobook narrated by Jez Jameson

Book 3 of The Light of Darkness

The Light of Darkness

Box Set, Books 4-6

The Redeemed

Audiobook narrated by Jez Jameson

Prequel to The Light of Darkness


Honour Among Demons

A fantasy standalone novelette & prequel to The Light of Darkness

Release date: To be announced

Court of Treachery

A romantic fantasy standalone novel & prequel to Darkness Divided

Release date: To be announced

Deathfall Wraith

A fantasy standalone novellette & prequel to Darkness Divided

Release date: To be announced

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Righteous Dawn

Short story prequel (#0.5) of The Light of Darkness

The Redeemed

Novella prequel (#0.6) of The Light of Darkness

Forged by Blood

Novellette prequel (#0.5) of A Kingdom Scarred


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Looking for Subtle Touch Creations?

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Don't hesitate to reach out! 

For a full run-up of all the places you can find me, check out my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/catrinrussell

Don't miss my Book & Art group!

For an extra bit of fun - a place to enjoy books and art, some related to my own work, and some related to others' creations! 

Dana's Edits

All of my books have been edited by Dana's edits. She has been a huge part of my development as an author, and I cannot remmend her services enough. She does a full package deal for a great price, so don't hesitate to check her out if you are an author and you're looking for an editor!